
Get your audience's heart beat racing as you show off your best hiphop moves to the biggest Bollywood hits!



Team Size:5-15 members

Entry Fees:INR 300/-

Styles permitted: All styles except Classical and Street dance forms



Participants will submit videos of 3-6 minutes duration of their dance.

Recorded videos must be submitted according to Video submission rules on Page 2.

Submissions can be in either of the following formats:

Format 1:

The video is recorded in the physical presence of all group members, with no editing or filters.

Format 2:

Group members perform individually, and their videos are edited into grid layouts, with transitions and formations using editing software.

Both formats will be judged separately.


Shortlisted, Online Teams will see their videos played live on the virtual stage, in the presence of live judges on a suitable event platform.


Participation is open to all.

Video must have been recorded for this competition and between November 10, 2021 to the last date of submission of the video. Recorded videos must have the date and time of recording.

Performances can be pre-recorded ensuring COVID safety protocols during recording, or edited together.

Editing is only allowed for the second video submission format.

Edited performances should use grid layouts and transitions.

Adding VFX, or extra elements using video software is prohibited.

Vulgarity and obscenity at any point are strictly not allowed.

Use of any sort of hazardous element/prop is strictly prohibited.

For the submission of video, the Video Submission rules on Page 2 must be adhered to.